Ahead of tonight’s AGM and not wishing to repeat the contents of my report for that meeting, I would just like to say thank you to my fellow Directors, staff, pro shop team and the members for the support offered to me during the year. It’s been a great year and memorable for many reasons.
I am also delighted to report that the Captains Charity fund has passed £3000 with the exact figure still to be determined. As most of you will be aware, I decided to continue with the chosen charity of my predecessor Carl in view of his disrupted Captain’s year. That charity is the Oncology Unit at Castle Hill Hospital, a cause that is close to the hearts of many members of this club. In addition, I was able to make a substantial donation to the Junior section at the golf club so thank you to everyone for helping us achieve a super result.
That just leaves me to wish Pat, Barbara, Ben and Sue every success for the coming year and hope they too have a memorable year as Captains and Vice Captains of our historic golf club.
Thank you!