Captain’s May 2021 Newsletter

Welcome to my May newsletter.

My Captain’s away day will take place on Friday 27th August 2021 at Moortown Golf Club, Leeds. Moortown is highly regarded as one of the best courses in the country and a former Ryder Cup course. The away day represents a great opportunity to play the course and have a fun day out.

The cost is £75 per person to include coach travel, coffee and bacon sandwich on arrival, golf and meal following the golf. I am sure you agree this is great value. There will not be any reductions for those members wishing to travel by private cars. There may be a dress code but this will be confirmed later.

The format of the day will probably be 4BBB with pairings to be drawn on the day just to add a bit of spice to proceedings (although Captain’s privileges may be invoked) with a couple of extras thrown in!

The booking sheet will be available in the professional shop from 0830 Friday morning 7th May 2021 and bookings can be made in person or on the phone. There are 48 places available, but I have reserved some places for club officials. There will be a reserve list for anyone unlucky enough not to make the cut.

I am asking for payment to be made IN FULL before 7th June 2021 after which the reserve list will be activated.

It would be a massive help if you can pay by bank transfer to the club account, details as below but, please ensure you add your NAME and “AWAY DAY” to the payee details.
Sort code 60-02-23
Account Number 70804877.

Initial feedback for the day out has been extremely positive and the trip looks likely to be oversubscribed quickly so don’t delay in reserving your place.

Many thanks for your support so far this year and enjoy your golf!
